martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Code and video. Red Balloon interface.

This code takes an input from a source and makes the balloon in the display grow larger until it explodes.

float bs = 0; // balloon size
int cellsize = 2; // Dimensions of each cell in the grid
int columns, rows;
Confetti[] confettis = new Confetti[1000];
int state = 0;
boolean x = false;
private color col;

class Confetti {
 private float rotY;
 private float rotZ;
 private float radius;
 private float tempRadius;
 private color col;
 private float finalZ;
 private float tempZ = 0;

 Confetti() {
 rotY = random(TWO_PI);
 rotZ = random(-PI, PI);
 radius = pow(random(8000000), .3333);
 tempRadius = 0;
 col = color(random(100),100,100);
 finalZ = random(-1000, 1000);

 void run() {

 void update() {
 if(state == 0) {
 tempRadius = 0;
 tempZ = 0;
 if(state > 0) {
 if(tempRadius< radius-0.1) {
 tempRadius += ((radius-tempRadius)/10);

 void display() {

 if(state == 2) {



void setup() {
 colorMode(HSB, 100);
 size(600,690, P3D);
 for(int i = 0; i < confettis.length; i++) {
 confettis[i] = new Confetti();

void draw() {
 colorMode(HSB, 100);
 state = 1;
 ellipse(width/2, (300)-15, bs, bs*1.2);
 arc(width/2, 280, bs, (150)+(1.5*bs), 0,PI); // 180 degrees
 translate(width/2, height/2, 100);
 for(int i = 0; i < confettis.length; i++) {

 if (mousePressed) {
 bs += 1; // change value for different grow rates
 }else if(bs >0){
 bs -= 2;

void triangleShape(){
 if(bs<20 && bs >=0){
 x = true;

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